Here is a picture of Ruby and Nalia! I think Nalia is good and ready for a little brother to help care for!
James 1:27 (New International Version) 27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Why the Wagars are what they are
For the little boys who cant write their on...
Dear Person who wrote comment-
I find it annoying that people leave comments and don't say who they are.. so I will no longer accept anonymous comments. I find it weird that people sign in as different people trying to set the other up and call it fun at the expense of ME! So start the process now of growing up and if you are going to write something that is rude then the least you can do it say your name. What kind of a person says a comment and does not write their name? A COWARD! I'm so glad I married a man that can say whatever he wants and writes his name.
Like YO MAMA SAID- If you cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all!
I was talking with Nalia today about people who don't think before they talk, and how at times it can be hurtful to hear such ignorant, LAME words come out of someones mouth. But to set yourself apart from what is truth and what it not. TRUTH- I CAN spell. If your wondering what I am talking about, well its a comment that was made to me, I posted it down below.
Anonymous said...
New goal for you:1. Learn how to spell. Make since??? (sense)
If you are going to write anything, then at least say your name and not hide behind your RUDE words. Oh and I have more important things to work on in my life than SPELLING! Maybe reflect your own life before suggesting things in my life.--BYE--
Anonymous said...
New goal for you:1. Learn how to spell. Make since??? (sense)
If you are going to write anything, then at least say your name and not hide behind your RUDE words. Oh and I have more important things to work on in my life than SPELLING! Maybe reflect your own life before suggesting things in my life.--BYE--
Foot BAth Detox
Just some things
So it pretty much like this-
-I will no longer eat out unless it's a occasion. TOO expensive and DIRTY!
-No longer watch movies that won't broaden my perspective or have me learn something new about history or open my eyes to a new perspective in life. NOT sure if I am making since but if i wont learn something by the end of movie then its not worth wasting my time or money. No more romantic comedy's.
- I realize how pointless TV is and how we will never have cable, you can easily waste a whole day sitting watching someones else's sinful life. Its crazy what we look at for entertainment now days. Lets just say its something I wont have my kids watching. As my dad would say" I'm tired of hearing about Brittany Spears "and "WHO CARES"-- Also it leaves me with a discontentment that I don't even realize is there.. As far as how happy money thinks that it can make people.
-Trav is teaching me how to sing and soon play guitar. Always wanted to learn both and I picked a GREAT FREE teacher who I can pay w/ things other than money...=)
- Trav and I talked and we really want to live so SIMPLE. Not alot of "stuff" we want our money and time to go towards bigger things than things of this world. So more hippie lifestyle but with the shower and pants that look good. Just a dark and light pair =)
-I will cook and freeze alot of my meals and cook from scratch so that I really know what I am eating and that way it can save me money on books that tell me what i am eating , this way i will know. Plus fresh and healthy is the way to go. Oh and ya cant forget Organic!=)
-Read Read read..i want to read so many book. There is some good stuff out there!
-Learn to be silent before the Lord -Daily-Daily-Daily-
-Get on a good exercise routine. The miscarriage kinda messed mine up.
- AND..... Do some good home cooking to make a baby-- nothing can get sweeter than that!=) Thinking around march...Lord Willing!
These are ways that I have thought and wanted but maybe not followed thru very well on.. I'm changing that now..
Authentic Realtionships
Who: Husband and Wife
What: Reading through a book called “For Men Only” and “For Women Only”. Each of us are so complex and this is the best book that I have read and heard talked about so HIGHLY to understand in a different depth and light the mystery of our spouse. Best of all it’s a very easy read for those of you that have a hard time reading.
When: Our first meeting will be Jan. 31 @ 7 and from there can discuss a more consistent time we can meet up. I know that a lot of you are involved in a small group and with work and just life, things can get hectic. But this is something I feel is such a huge need and if we can all commit to this we will transform our marriage and our personal relationships with God.
Where: The first meeting will be at my house 276 7th street in Lebanon. From there we can get creative. At the beginning of our meetings we will split up guys and girls, then at the end we will discuss the things we never knew about our spouse and questions to deeper understand and draw closer to our spouses. Also a great time to realize places we can ask for forgiveness and ways we can better respect and love each other with purpose.
Why? Now days we lack prayer and accountability .I think this is a great start to incorporate this into our lives. Personally why I think this needs to happen is cause Trav and I went through one of our deepest valleys I think our marriage will ever experience. Not that I don’t think we will struggle again but just that we wont be that low. God has struck something in both of us that has dramatically changed who we are. This book as been a HUGE eye opener to the simple ways that I was unknowingly disrespecting trav, and ways that he has been unloving to me. I’m committed to marriage and I want to commit my whole being to treating my man the way God has called me to. Even more than this is building God centered relationships that you can trust and call on anytime. A friend to pray with you and one you can be vulnerable to and flat out honest w/ and you won’t be judged or looked down upon. To be honest, I long for friendships that are authentic and I know they won’t just show up at my door, so I will go out there and find them. While were all on this journey want you to be blessed with a “Authentic Friendship” God has put this on my heart to HOST a time to read a good book and develop deeper meaningful relationships. I am ready to grow in Christ, as a mommy and wife for my Hot Man Trav!=) Hope you are willing to commit to a life changing and challenging experience! Order this book on-line thru Amazon and get it for 6-7 bucks. Shaunti Feldhahn is author.
Ok so this is what I sent out to some people from my church. I feel that the church that I go to lack real Authentic Relationships. The pastor has a great heart, and the vision is Awesome!
This is something I feel that God has laid on my heart to share. I would love prayer that this God will work in our lives when we start this bible study!
Few words
Ok My new favorite singer is DONAVON FRANKENREITER. Ya gotta check him out
Go to his website at
Go to his website at
Home Cooking Spanish Meal--dinner party
I didnt get a pic of abby and chris...jess would not be in a picture-=) we had alot of fun and good food at our dinner party! Yummy
Jesus looking Casey with sweet Ruby!
Jake. He is one of my favorite people in the world. Some of my funniest times in life are with this guy-- going in mountains to get a fresh cut Christmas tree and getting caught from sheriff and still bringing it home on top of his 88 Honda hatch back! Ha or rafting down river at night! i could go on and on... love ya Jake. Single great christian guy too--
Nalia gets into everything---
early morning teeth brushing
Lavenda is getting married!!
She has picked a Perfect guy for her. He is so sweet and patient with her. She is a photographer and that is what her fiance is as well. After they get married in Feb.they plan on going to spain so she can study abroad. FUN!!
She is so PRETTY!
She does such awesome photography. Together they are a TEAM!
Joleani's web-site
His work is very artistic- So AMAZING!-- Check him out-- whether is wedding, family, maternity, baby pictures he can do it all!!!
Dogs as a BABY!
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