James 1:27 (New International Version)
27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
The baby hammock i have and love it! ITS A MUST!! explain more later...
Adah'Jane is 4 weeks today and 1 month on the 21st
Nalia and Adah look somewhat alike but the fact that Adah has pretty much no hair and Nalia was almost a mexican looking baby can throw me off... Adah's nose is still adjusting to being smashed so long in the womb..final outcome is yet to come..
I can see that in the face i look like Adah. but then again I see trav looking like her.. well see... thats the fun.. waiting.. well actually i am very impatient so its not too fun to me!
This picture is a special picture.I cant stand cats at ALL.. we have 2 living in our backyard somehow (so if you want it come and get it!) Trav was showing Nalia how to scare them. I caught the face expressions and all. Priceless huh!!=) I caught this!!! I will cherish this one forever.. but her dimple is covered.