Why the Wagars are what they are

Ionized water...

ok so many things have been changing my life!

But this is one that I soooooooooooo want to share w/everyone and its something that i can easily share a sample with anyone and everyone!

Its called Ionized Water.

Purest form of water out there to drink.

I just wanted drop a quick line of this amazing change in my life.

Come and personally hear more Thurs @ 7 . My parents house.

I want everyone to know about this cause you will feel better.Loose weight if you need to. Think clearer. Fight this nasty flu season...ETC!!!

Benefits -Antioxidant RICH!!!!! They are delivered to the body in smaller cluster of water molecules so they are able to reach and penetrate in places other antioxidants might not.

PH level is alkaline. Which regulates our acidic bodies. The acid build up created by the foods that we eat and the soda and coffee that people drink is broken down.

You will feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more energy.

Also a VERY clear mind. both of these are cause there is more oxygen to the blood.

If you suffer from being constipated..suffer no more.

My milk supply has doubled...

I feel like a new mom and wife. I have more energy patience. I am buying a machine and will give out a weeks worth of free samples. You will want to buy one.

The best thing is that distilled,bottled,purified water.. none is this is the best thing for your body,

I know that this sounds so weird but once you try this water you will never go back.

this is my business web site until i make my own personal one.

email me to set up a time to get some water...

Watch this short you tube video~!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heard that Madona drinks this kind of water..
But hey, you should tell people about the importance of drinking water for health
Bye and Good Luck!