So it pretty much like this-
-I will no longer eat out unless it's a occasion. TOO expensive and DIRTY!
-No longer watch movies that won't broaden my perspective or have me learn something new about history or open my eyes to a new perspective in life. NOT sure if I am making since but if i wont learn something by the end of movie then its not worth wasting my time or money. No more romantic comedy's.
- I realize how pointless TV is and how we will never have cable, you can easily waste a whole day sitting watching someones else's sinful life. Its crazy what we look at for entertainment now days. Lets just say its something I wont have my kids watching. As my dad would say" I'm tired of hearing about Brittany Spears "and "WHO CARES"-- Also it leaves me with a discontentment that I don't even realize is there.. As far as how happy money thinks that it can make people.
-Trav is teaching me how to sing and soon play guitar. Always wanted to learn both and I picked a GREAT FREE teacher who I can pay w/ things other than money...=)
- Trav and I talked and we really want to live so SIMPLE. Not alot of "stuff" we want our money and time to go towards bigger things than things of this world. So more hippie lifestyle but with the shower and pants that look good. Just a dark and light pair =)
-I will cook and freeze alot of my meals and cook from scratch so that I really know what I am eating and that way it can save me money on books that tell me what i am eating , this way i will know. Plus fresh and healthy is the way to go. Oh and ya cant forget Organic!=)
-Read Read read..i want to read so many book. There is some good stuff out there!
-Learn to be silent before the Lord -Daily-Daily-Daily-
-Get on a good exercise routine. The miscarriage kinda messed mine up.
- AND..... Do some good home cooking to make a baby-- nothing can get sweeter than that!=) Thinking around march...Lord Willing!
These are ways that I have thought and wanted but maybe not followed thru very well on.. I'm changing that now..